Friday, December 5, 2008
Oh yeah and by the way, I am so JEALOUS of my Sister in Law ZONNIE!!! She can write so GOOD!! And actually make you feel like you were there when she post's anything!!!
So this is what I'm thinking- Every time I want to post something I will send her the rough draft and she can fix it and make it better!!
JUST KIDDING, but honestly she is so creative in the way she writes or explains thing!!
Love ya Zonnie!!
Heather Terry and Heather at 2:11 PM 1 comments
Thanksgiving 2008
More than a week late yes I know..
This year we spent Thanksgiving with my (Heather) family, It was so nice to go there and spend time with them and not have to worry about anything.
We were able to go on a date Wed night when we got into town, We dropped Titan off at my parents and drove to Sierra Vista, Terry and I went and watched Twilight, went to dinner, and he even bought me 2 pair's of jeans since I only had 2 pair that fit me and they were looking kinda cruddy.. Twilight was so good I loved it! I want to watch a million more times, But Terry said just wait maybe you'll get it for your birthday so my fingers are crossed!
Thanksgiving morning Terry's cousin Doeshann surprised us all by showing up at my parents to spend the day with us, it was so fun to have her there with us. My brothers and I took the dogs out on a walk ( you know I have to mention my dog whenever I can!) and Terry was able to go shooting with a friend. Dinner was so good and the best part of it all was that I could eat it all and not worry that it was going to come up 20 min later!!!!
Terry was going to work overtime but at the last min decided that he would take the rest of the week to enjoy his break and he was able to go paint balling with my Dad and Brother, and then went shooting again with Doeshann and my Brother Sam..
Thanks so much to my Mom for that great meal and for Helping me with Titan, Not that he was a pill but I was able to go to the Store with out him, and on DATE!
Heather Terry and Heather at 2:00 PM 0 comments
It has been busy/lazy month for us..
BUSY-TERRY, He is working so hard with work and school, and he has been lucky! He hasn't been laid off.. He went in and talked to the Guy in charge of his program and he told Terry that there are pulling money from different places and that Terry schooling will be covered for the next 2 years! And that's means that he can still work his 2 days a week plus he can get over time pretty easily, Because they are the lowest paid people out there. That made us both sit back and relaxe and realize that YES we DEF are being looked out for.
LAZY-HEATHER, I feel like I have been getting out more, as In at least driving around ( since GAS has gone down), Walking around Wal-Mart ( how fun!), And we have been trying to either go to the Park or do more things as a family besides sit around and eat or watch movies. BUT I wish I could be more motivated to be hard core into losing weight has Candace Mayberry Evans was, I have like 10 bloody pound that I want to loose that I can't, And yes Amanda Wood, its my own fault because I find no pleasure or excitement in working out, Dang why can't I have a magic wand that I could say that right words like ZIP ZAD BOO LA LA.. you get the point and WOW it would be gone, my hips would magical go back to what they were before I was pregnant! ( SO SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING, LIKE EASY TO DO WORK OUTS FROM HOME, I REALLY DON'T WANT TO LEAVE THE HOUSE TO DO IT..) But other than that things are going good for me..
THE BEST LITTLE BOY EVER- TITAN, He is growing so fast, just today I was sorting clothes to put in the to small pile and there is so much he can't fit into and I look at them and it kinda makes me sad, He's not my little baby boy any more:( I know that's what you want it for you child to grow and learn new things, but HONESTLY not this fast.. He is now rolling everywhere and when he is on his stomach he pushes up with his toes and his belly is off the ground. He talks all the time, SCREAMS like crazy and its just for the heck off it.. DEC the 7Th he will be 6 MONTHS and I just can't believe it.
Heather Terry and Heather at 1:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
MINE....600 and something
This past week at he mine where Terry works, they have laid of around 600 or so people, And there still saying it prob will get worse.
So here we are thinking we are smart for having a back up plan when Terry was working at Ballard Truss when things starting getting slow there, and Rumors where floating around that people were going to get laid off, We had our back up plan. The program thru Freeport and EAC, Terry could go to school a by the time he was done have his Journeymen and his AA...
Now I think what would be our backup plan now??
And I have come to this... I feel like Heavenly Father opened up the door for Terry to get into this program, everything feel into place for us.. Terry is doing great in the schooling part and likes to go out and learn new things at the Mine.
I just need to have better faith in our Heavenly Father that he knows what best for us, He opened up these doors for Terry. And we need to do our part, Tithing, church and going to the temple as much as we can, Ect... And we will be blessed.
I love Terry and all the hard work he does for his family, I just really hope that things pan out for Terry and that he will contunie on with the Program..
Scary times are heading our way, Lets keep our families close, and be smart in how we do things, that way when things go wrong we are alittle bit more prepared for them..
Heather Terry and Heather at 2:35 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Heather Terry and Heather at 12:29 PM 3 comments
Halloween 2008
Heather Terry and Heather at 12:14 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Alright, I was just looking back at some of the post's I had made when Titan was born, and I realized something.
I TOTALLY forgot to thank my mom for coming up and staying that week with me when we first had Titan, I am so sorry Mom. But honestly It was by far one of the nicest things to have my Mom there to help me and teach me the tricks of the trade, she many of times told me that this was the way that she would do it and I would more than likely find my own way, but I find myself doing alot of things that she taught me more and more, Mother like daughter I would think.
She really is such a special person to me and I am so thankful for her! A couple of weeks ago I woke up so dizzy and could hardly stand up let alone take care of my baby, my Mom works at the school and fortuntly was on Fall Break as soon as I called her (6:30 a.m) she said she would be right up and by 8:30 there she was. She let me sleep, cleaned my kitchen, took care of my baby and had dinner ready by the time Terry got home from a long day of work.
She really is my best frined! I can call her and talk to her about anything and know it won't go anywhere, I love that about her. It took us a long time to get to this point in our lifes that we can call each other " our bestfriend" but she really is and I love that we are so close, and that she only lives an hour and 15 min away.
So like I said this should have gone up along time ago but THANK YOU MOM, I love you very much!
P.S My Dad is pretty Dang awsome and he was the one who gave me my blessing before they broke my water, He loves Titan and I can see the love he has for his Titan boy. Thank you Dad! I love ya!
Heather Terry and Heather at 4:51 PM 2 comments
Titan Mason Lee ( picture overload )
Heather Terry and Heather at 8:02 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I have decided after much listening over and over again and again, That I LOVE JONAS BROTHERS, Their song LOVEBUG is a must to listen to. Stroll down to my play list that I finally figured out how to make to listen to it and let me know what you think about it!
I had Terry listen to this song to see if its something he liked and could learn to play for me. He said he would try! I love him! Then he came home monday night to inform me that a co-worker of his took his 15 year old girl to their concert, Im pretty sure that he was trying to make fun of me, but YES I do like them and told Terry that I would be going to their concert... So if there are any of you ladies like me that can be 15 and excited again to see some young, very talented young men use their talent then let me know and will have to go see them when they come back to AZ.
I have to say that yes their music may sound corny to some but come on you can say at some time in your life you have felt like their "LOVEBUG" song is about you.
I really like the fact that this 3 boys have taking a purity vow to stay pure till they are married.. I wish more people that were famous could or would do that.. And they made it public that they were.. like I said I LOVE THEM!
Heather Terry and Heather at 1:57 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It is 7:20 in the morning and Titan is still asleep, Why the HECK can't I still be asleep... Reasoning behind that TERRY... He likes to see me in the morning before he has to go to school for the day... Gotta love my hubby!
Heather Terry and Heather at 7:21 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
4:30, Drunks and COPS!
Sunday at 4:30 I woke up to what sounded like people in my front room talking and Music playing so freaking loud! I thought maybe Terry had left the T.V or the Computer on so I Came out in the Living Room and nothing was on.. And I can still hear, I woke Terry up and said can you hear that??? And he was all yeah what is it? Come to find out the Trailor behind us had their music blarring and we had 3 or 4 drunk people outside yelling and trying to leave we could hear word for word what they were saying and it kinda freaked me out. So I called the cops and Terry and I walked outside to see 3 of them walking down the middle of the street looking like they were about to fall over, Cops came to the trailor turned off the music but as far as we could tell no one was arrested, SHOOT!
Monday morning I called our Landlord to let her know what had happend, cause Terry leaves for work at 4:30 and I didn't want that to happen when he was gone and I was by myself.. She said that there had been other concerns about them...
I just don't see the Need to get to Freaking Drunk that you turn into a Dumb Ass, excuse my french but its the stupidest thing to me.. Yeah I want to get drunk so I can act like a donkey... Good think Terry and I never had a problem with that, we just like to make fun of them cause their so STUPID!
Heather Terry and Heather at 7:55 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My poor little boy is SICK! He got it from me, and I got it from Terry, and Im sure before its all done and said with Terry will have gotten it again.
But my poor little guy is so congested and coughing and sneezing like crazy, his poor eyes are all red and sometimes watery... Im new to the MOM world and don't know all the trick to the trade so If anyone could offer advice I'll take it.. PLEASE
Oh yeah and when do I know if and When I should go to a DOC?
Heather Terry and Heather at 7:38 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Titan 9/22/08
Titan had a doctors appt last monday and he is weighing and at 15 pounds 3 ounces, I take him to Doc Mayberry's in Benson because no Doc are taking new patients here, plus I really like him and he was my doc... Anyways longer story short when he walked in he was amazed at how big he was and said goodness Titan your mom must not be feeding you.. LOL Im guessing he's a pretty good size for being 3 1/2 months.
Titan has been rolling on to his side since yesterday so Im guessing that its not going to be to long before he will totally be able to roll over, I can't believe he is already doing this. He also is starting to grab on to things besides his mommy's hair! thank goodness I have enough split ends as it is, He loves his toys now he loves to old on to them and move all around so they make noises.
Thats it for now.
Heather Terry and Heather at 2:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
A. Attached or single? Attached Always and Forever
B. Best friend? Terry and Kiea
C. Cake or Pie? If its cake yellow with Choc frosting and CHOC cream pie
D. Day of Choice? Saturday, cause Terry doesn't have school or work.
E. Essential item? My family
F. Favorite color? Pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? SOUR Gummy Worms
H. Hometown? St.Daivd
I. Indulgence? Scrapbooking items
J. January or July? January, even though its cold I now can have a good reason to sleep right next to Terry and he can't complain!
K. Kids? Titan Mason, 3 1/2 months
L. Life isn't complete without? My Family
M. Marriage date? 04*28*07
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 2 Little bros and 3 sister in laws, 2 bro in laws
O. Orange or apples? Apples
P. Phobias? my family dying on me
Q. Quotes? Families can be together forever.. ( well I guess thats a primary song but same thing)
R. Reasons to smile? Titan
S. Season of Choice? FALL!!!!
T. Tag some peeps:
1.Alysa L
2.Zonnie R
3.Candace E
4.Kylie P
5.Morgan S
6.Kara A
U. Unknown fact about me? I hate getting dressed up! But I wish I would
V. Vegetable? Green Beans
W. Worst habit? bit my nails
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound have to be the coolest
Y. Your favorite food? Mashed Potatoes and Kit Kates
Z. Zodiac sign? Gemini
Heather Terry and Heather at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I love my Husband
I just want to take this time to thank my Husband for all the hard work he is putting into his job and school, he has gotten all 94's and above on all his test. He is such a help to me, when he gets home he is so happy to see his family and I love that. He is my Knight in shinning armor( yeah I know, corny) But I am really blessed to have him in my life and be the head of our family.
I love you and Im so proud of you Terry.
Love, Heather
Heather Terry and Heather at 2:39 PM 3 comments


Heather Terry and Heather at 2:15 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Its been sometime since either one of us last posted anything.... So Im taking on the task of feeling you in on everything that has happened.. First off I ( Heather) need to apoligies I seriously am the worst speller so pretend that I can... Thank-You
Ok so In the last month or so the few thing that have happend to our little family are... We moved, Titan had his baby blessing, turned 2 months, SMILES, And we all have gained WEIGHT!!! ( mind you Titan's weight is great, Terry and I on the other hand not so great)
Last month on the 17th we made the boring trip down from Snowflake to Thatcher, it took us a little longer than normal because we had the crapy U-Haul to drive thru the canyon... Titan did great the whole truip down stopped only once to feed him in globe and other than that he was prefect, We are now TRALIOR TRASH but it was cheap and we can do it for a year... We were lucky enough to have my Dad and little Bros come up to help Terry unload everything.
We then went to St.David for the week to not really babysit but be there for my Little Bro's while my parents enjoyded a week away for the 24th anniversery, I can't belive they have been married that long.. So Terry was able to enjoy riding his dirtbike a couple of times and even took me for a ride!
At the end of that week on the 27th Terry gave our son his baby blessing, what a wonderful expreince it is to have a worthy husband to be able to do that. We had most of our family and our close friends Kiea and Cory there to share this special time with us. It was a great day one that I hope niether one of us forget.
When then made the trip back to thatcher came home to an unpacked mess, and still 3 weeks later still unpacking.. I hate unpacking!! Anyways being home for 3 weeks and no job cause no one will hiring for 3 weeks, Terry and I gained stupid weight, I hate it I hate like I was prego again, then got on the scale after 3 weeks and relized I could no longer do that SHOOT I love eating!!
Things are going good for us right now, Titan turned 2 months on the 7th I can't belive how fast the time as gone by, He is now starting to coo and SMILE, He must know its coming cause I hurry and get the camera and he stops and frowns! I love him so much. Terry started school yesterday and so far so good, I am so proud of him and his choice he made to go back to school to better himself and provided for his family, I love him! I am so thankful for the worth man I have in my life and the promise that we have to be together forever and always.. The lord as blessed me so much!
Heather Terry and Heather at 7:09 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
So Im deleted all of your guy's blog address and need them again so if you would leave us a comment with your address that would be great!
Heather Terry and Heather at 7:42 PM 10 comments
MemoriesI saw this post on one of my friends blog and thought,"That would be fun".Here's how it works:1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together, or one of the first memories you have of me. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Heather Terry and Heather at 3:39 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
It really does seem like the time as flown this past month, from going to where you can't sleep because your so uncomfortable to where you can sleep but you can't because you have a new one at home.
Terry and I have grown so much in this past month and have a real understanding of what a parent wouldn't do for their child. Titan has blessed our lives so much! He has made my life feel so complete!
I know that I haven't posted any new pics of him I'll get to that but he is starting to feel out! He has little wings on the side of his head where is hair has grown out I love it!
Anyways I just can't believe he is here and 1 month old... I love my boys!!
Heather Terry and Heather at 4:12 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Titan Mason Lee
I don't get on very much anymore but thought I would give a quick Lee family update...
Titan was born on 6/7/08! pretty cool huh the day before my birthday at 8:05 p.m after 12 1/2 hours of labor.. Pain free by the way.. Much more enjoyable when you can exprience it with no pain.
I went in at 7:30 had they broke my water at 8ish and had me walk around... I got my epdriural around 9:30ish because they only had the one person there to do it that day and she was going to be in some surgies and not sure when she would be done so i got it... I was stuck at a freakin 3 for 5 1/2 long hours!!! and stuck in bed with no food as well! they put me on PIT around 4:30 for an hour and still not dialting... talk about a drag but still no pain so can't really complain, my doc came in and started having me rotate so switch sides every 20 min.... we did that for about 2 hours or longer not 100% sure on all the time.. then my nurse checked my and 6 and said i was a 4!! not a big improvment she contunied to have me switch sides and at 7:35 came back in and said ok lets take a look at see whats going on... she checked my and said" oh that why your a 10!" if looks could kill my hubbys look would have killed her he thought she was kidding and she said no im being serious so my doc got there at 7:45 i pushed and at 8:05 there he was!7 pound 8 ounces and 20 inches long.
Im so in love with him and I hate putting him down.
I have to take this time to thank my hubby for everything he did for me that day he was perfect!! never left my side I coudn't have asked for a better labor and delivery and to see him old his little boy was such a sight you could see he was so proud! I love you Terry..
Heather Terry and Heather at 6:46 PM 6 comments