Friday, October 24, 2008


Alright, I was just looking back at some of the post's I had made when Titan was born, and I realized something.

I TOTALLY forgot to thank my mom for coming up and staying that week with me when we first had Titan, I am so sorry Mom. But honestly It was by far one of the nicest things to have my Mom there to help me and teach me the tricks of the trade, she many of times told me that this was the way that she would do it and I would more than likely find my own way, but I find myself doing alot of things that she taught me more and more, Mother like daughter I would think.

She really is such a special person to me and I am so thankful for her! A couple of weeks ago I woke up so dizzy and could hardly stand up let alone take care of my baby, my Mom works at the school and fortuntly was on Fall Break as soon as I called her (6:30 a.m) she said she would be right up and by 8:30 there she was. She let me sleep, cleaned my kitchen, took care of my baby and had dinner ready by the time Terry got home from a long day of work.

She really is my best frined! I can call her and talk to her about anything and know it won't go anywhere, I love that about her. It took us a long time to get to this point in our lifes that we can call each other " our bestfriend" but she really is and I love that we are so close, and that she only lives an hour and 15 min away.

So like I said this should have gone up along time ago but THANK YOU MOM, I love you very much!

P.S My Dad is pretty Dang awsome and he was the one who gave me my blessing before they broke my water, He loves Titan and I can see the love he has for his Titan boy. Thank you Dad! I love ya!


Unknown said...

i like your parents, there so nice, your lucky to have them!

Andrew + Kylie said...

parents are the best!
love them.