Thursday, January 15, 2009

Terry's grand adventure...

This is Terry's coyote... He went out calling with a friend Kyler Merrill and they had been out all morning.. and finally they gave up and as they were driving to head home Kyler says COYOTE.. They both got out Terry got down on one knee and Took a shot.. He was pretty sure he hadn't gotten it but they didn't see where it went... So they walk down to try and find it and low and behold he had SHOT IT!!! But it was still alive so they shot it again to kill it.

He called me on his way home and told me he had killed one! So excited he was.. So I went over to our friends house and took what seemed like a million pictures! But we had to document it.

They themselves even skinned it in Kyler's backyard.. GROSS! They dried it out and whenever Terry had the chance he's working on scrapping actual bits of dried flesh of the coyote.
The whole time I was there taking pictures all I kept saying is " you killed it" "She prob has babies somewhere" And Terry's responses were " Heather its a boy and they don't have babies till spring"...

The End